
Politica publica de economia solidaria : uma politica em construção

Adauto Fernandes Marconsin

This doctoral thesis, using a qualitative methodology and concepts of solidary economy, public policy and state, bureaucracy, political power and decision-making, investigates the deployment of public policy for solidary economy in the Federal Government (2003-2006), Government of State of Rio Grande do Sul (1999-2002), Municipality of São Paulo (2001-2004), Santo André (1989-2004), Osasco (2005-2007) and in the city of Campinas (2001-2007). Search, from the legal milestones in intentionalities policy, establish links of this building and from there categorizá it as public policy in progress through the indicators. In particular in the city of Campinas (2001-2007), using the methodology of the case study, from a dual role of investigator and manager of the policy, presenting the construction of this policy from its legal framework, detailing the action of bureaucracy public in the analysis of proposals constructive policy on encouraging enterprises to solidarity. Use the spaces for the construction of the policy, defined between subjects constituting the policy, to establish the links between the concept of economic solidarity and the public policy of economic solidarity. Through interviews involving the public and managers of the subjects constituting empreendimetos solidarity in the experience of Campinas in rescuing the analysis of texts relating to the experiences of other municipalities, state of Rio Grande do Sul and the Federal Government, end the analysis of public policy, featuring as under construction.


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